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May seeks Brexit extension as she promises talks with Corbyn | ITV News
Theresa May seeks further Brexit extension and Corbyn talks 'to break logjam'
Brexit - May asks Corbyn to help break deadlock as PM goes for another extension
Jeremy Corbyn 'welcomes' talks with PM to end Brexit deadlock
Corbyn: 'Very happy' to meet Theresa May
Theresa May to ask EU for further extension
Jeremy Corbyn responds to Theresa May's humiliating call for Brexit talks
Theresa May calls for 'short extension to article 50'
UK Brexit secretary on May's talks with Corbyn
U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May to ask for another Brexit extension
Corbyn's Reaction to May's Brexit Update - Brexit Explained
Jeremy Corbyn: Brexit shambles lies at the foot of Theresa May's government